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4 Ways to Preserve Cantaloupe

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Can you preserve cantaloupe?! You bet you can! Here are three ways that preserving cantaloup can extend your pantry storage with muskmelons or cantaloupe. It works on watermelon, too!

whole and cut canteloupe

Because cantaloupes don’t have much in the way of starches the way other fruits and vegetables do, they don’t get any sweeter in the course of ripening, so pick the best cantaloupe you can get the first time.

Factoid: According to food expert Alton Brown, most cantaloupe that we see in the US really isn’t cantaloupe, but 1 of eight varieties of hybrid muskmelons!

How to pick the best cantaloupe?

  • Smell – it needs to smell like cantaloupe
  • Texture – the netting should be free of blemishes or cracks and be well developed.
  • Weight – the melon needs to feel heavy for its size, not lightweight (more moisture)

How long does cantaloupe last?

Melons will last about five to eight days from most grocery stores. You’ll get a few days more if you get them directly from the farm or garden.

How to Freeze Cantaloupe

  • Wash cantaloupe
  • Cut cantaloupe in half and remove pulp/seeds
  • Remove husk and slice or chunk
  • OR use a melon baller to do remove the flesh
  • Edge knife around the quarter to remove the husk
  • Place on a cookie sheet and flash freeze
  • Store frozen segments in an airtight container in the freezer for up to six months (you can store longer, this is just the recommended time – I find that much longer leaves them beginning to lose their appeal)

You can freeze cantaloupe in a sugar solution

To serve: Frozen cantaloupe is served best still quite cold in a melon salad or used to make ice cubes and flavor tea or water.

Here’s how I used it:

Cantaloupe Watermelon Smoothie


  • 3 C frozen watermelon
  • 1 C frozen cantaloupe cubed
  • 1 small handful of spinach (dehydrated spinach flakes work well, too)
  • 1/2 C strawberries
  • 1/2 C yogurt
  • 1 TB of flax or chia seed
  • 1/4 C water– I find that a little liquid makes it easier to process


  1. Blend in your smoothie maker or blender until smooth
  2. Serve immediately


  • Use some ice if you are using fresh melon to make this smoothie.
  • This made 4 8oz. glasses for breakfast
  • Use this blend to fill some freezer pop molds and have a great summer treat!

You can also create a Melon Sorbet as another tasty freezer treat.

sliced muskmelon on a tabletop with blue background

How to Dehydrate Cantaloupe

  • Follow the procedure above to clean and your cantaloupe
  • Cut the wedges into 1/4″ slices (not chunks)
  • Place on dehydrator trays in a single layer
  • Dehydrate at 135°F / 57°CF until leathery (depending on weather and how ripe your cantaloupe is, may take 18-20 hours)
  • Condition
  • Store in an airtight container for up to a year.

Get full instructions and a printable recipe for this on the How to Dehydrate Cantaloupe Post.

Tip – cut into smaller diced portions and they make great additions to granola or oatmeal!

I happen to use an Excalibur Dehydrator, but there are many varieties that are good for any budget. Find the best dehydrator for your budget here!

How to Can Cantaloupe

Unfortunately, canning isn’t a viable option for preserving cantaloupe by itself, but you can make a cantaloupe jam or conserve to keep shelf-stable.

Here are a few great preserves options for you:

How to Pickle Cucumber


fresh cantaloupe with sliced and halved slices for Pinterest image

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